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Rembrandt's house

Porridge Spoon Rembrandt
Replica of the porridge spoon found in Rembrandt's cess pit.
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Pin Rembrandt House
gold coloured
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Paperweight Rembrandt House
Ceramic paperweight, handmade and handpainted
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Paper model of Rembrandt's house
Paper model of Rembrandt's house
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Notebook Rembrandt House
closes with magnet
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Rembrandt's Funeral Medaillon
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Magnet Rembrandt House
A miniature Rembrandt House
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Guide Rembrandt House Museum
Colourful and handy guidebook to the house where Rembrandt lived and worked.
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Dolls House Rembrandt
Rembrandt Dolls' House: fold and play.
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Coin Rembrandt House
of the series Dutch Heritage Collectors Coin.
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